
asv help

usage: asv help [-h]

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

asv quickstart

usage: asv quickstart [-h] [--dest DEST] [--top-level | --no-top-level]
                      [--verbose] [--config CONFIG] [--version]

Creates a new benchmarking suite

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dest DEST, -d DEST  The destination directory for the new benchmarking
  --top-level           Use layout suitable for putting the benchmark suite on
                        the top level of the project's repository
  --no-top-level        Use layout suitable for putting the benchmark suite in
                        a separate repository
  --verbose, -v         Increase verbosity
  --config CONFIG       Benchmark configuration file
  --version             Print program version

asv machine

usage: asv machine [-h] [--machine MACHINE] [--os OS] [--arch ARCH]
                   [--cpu CPU] [--num_cpu NUM_CPU] [--ram RAM] [--yes]
                   [--verbose] [--config CONFIG] [--version]

Defines information about this machine. If no arguments are provided, an
interactive console session will be used to ask questions about the machine.

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --machine MACHINE  A unique name to identify this machine in the results.
                     May be anything, as long as it is unique across all the
                     machines used to benchmark this project. NOTE: If changed
                     from the default, it will no longer match the hostname of
                     this machine, and you may need to explicitly use the
                     --machine argument to asv.
  --os OS            The OS type and version of this machine. For example,
                     'Macintosh OS-X 10.8'.
  --arch ARCH        The generic CPU architecture of this machine. For
                     example, 'i386' or 'x86_64'.
  --cpu CPU          A specific description of the CPU of this machine,
                     including its speed and class. For example, 'Intel(R)
                     Core(TM) i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz (4 cores)'.
  --num_cpu NUM_CPU  The number of CPUs in the system. For example, '4'.
  --ram RAM          The amount of physical RAM on this machine. For example,
  --yes              Accept all questions
  --verbose, -v      Increase verbosity
  --config CONFIG    Benchmark configuration file
  --version          Print program version

asv setup

usage: asv setup [-h] [--parallel [PARALLEL]] [-E ENV_SPEC] [--python PYTHON]
                 [--verbose] [--config CONFIG] [--version]

Setup virtual environments for each combination of Python version and third-
party requirement. This is called by the ``run`` command implicitly, and isn't
generally required to be run on its own.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --parallel [PARALLEL], -j [PARALLEL]
                        Build (but don't benchmark) in parallel. The value is
                        the number of CPUs to use, or if no number provided,
                        use the number of cores on this machine.
  -E ENV_SPEC, --environment ENV_SPEC
                        Specify the environment and Python versions for
                        running the benchmarks. String of the format
                        'environment_type:python_version', for example
                        'conda:3.12'. If the Python version is not specified,
                        all those listed in the configuration file are run.
                        The special environment type
                        'existing:/path/to/python' runs the benchmarks using
                        the given Python interpreter; if the path is omitted,
                        the Python running asv is used. For 'existing', the
                        benchmarked project must be already installed,
                        including all dependencies. By default, uses the
                        values specified in the configuration file.
  --python PYTHON       Same as --environment=:PYTHON
  --verbose, -v         Increase verbosity
  --config CONFIG       Benchmark configuration file
  --version             Print program version

asv run

usage: asv run [-h] [--date-period DATE_PERIOD] [--steps STEPS]
               [--bench BENCH] [--attribute ATTRIBUTE]
               [--cpu-affinity ATTRIBUTE] [--profile] [--parallel [PARALLEL]]
               [--show-stderr] [--durations [N]] [--quick] [-E ENV_SPEC]
               [--python PYTHON] [--set-commit-hash SET_COMMIT_HASH]
               [--launch-method {auto,spawn,forkserver}] [--dry-run]
               [--machine MACHINE] [--skip-existing-successful]
               [--skip-existing-failed] [--skip-existing-commits]
               [--skip-existing] [--record-samples] [--append-samples]
               [--interleave-rounds] [--no-interleave-rounds] [--no-pull]
               [--verbose] [--config CONFIG] [--version]

Run a benchmark suite.

  asv run main             run for one branch
  asv run main^!           run for one commit (git)
  asv run "--merges main"  run for only merge commits (git)

positional arguments:
  range                 Range of commits to benchmark. For a git repository,
                        this is passed as the first argument to ``git rev-
                        list``; or Mercurial log command. See 'specifying
                        ranges' section of the `gitrevisions` manpage, or 'hg
                        help revisions', for more info. Also accepts the
                        special values 'NEW', 'ALL', 'EXISTING', and
                        'HASHFILE:xxx'. 'NEW' will benchmark all commits since
                        the latest benchmarked on this machine. 'ALL' will
                        benchmark all commits in the project. 'EXISTING' will
                        benchmark against all commits for which there are
                        existing benchmarks on any machine. 'HASHFILE:xxx'
                        will benchmark only a specific set of hashes given in
                        the file named 'xxx' ('-' means stdin), which must
                        have one hash per line. By default, will benchmark the
                        head of each configured of the branches.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --date-period DATE_PERIOD
                        Pick only one commit in each given time period. For
                        example: 1d (daily), 1w (weekly), 1y (yearly).
  --steps STEPS, -s STEPS
                        Maximum number of steps to benchmark. This is used to
                        subsample the commits determined by range to a
                        reasonable number.
  --bench BENCH, -b BENCH
                        Regular expression(s) for benchmark to run. When not
                        provided, all benchmarks are run.
  --attribute ATTRIBUTE, -a ATTRIBUTE
                        Override a benchmark attribute, e.g. `-a repeat=10`.
  --cpu-affinity ATTRIBUTE
                        Set CPU affinity for running the benchmark, in format:
                        0 or 0,1,2 or 0-3. Default: not set
  --profile, -p         In addition to timing, run the benchmarks through the
                        `cProfile` profiler and store the results.
  --parallel [PARALLEL], -j [PARALLEL]
                        Build (but don't benchmark) in parallel. The value is
                        the number of CPUs to use, or if no number provided,
                        use the number of cores on this machine.
  --show-stderr, -e     Display the stderr output from the benchmarks.
  --durations [N]       Display total duration for N (or 'all') slowest
  --quick, -q           Do a "quick" run, where each benchmark function is run
                        only once. This is useful to find basic errors in the
                        benchmark functions faster. The results are unlikely
                        to be useful, and thus are not saved.
  -E ENV_SPEC, --environment ENV_SPEC
                        Specify the environment and Python versions for
                        running the benchmarks. String of the format
                        'environment_type:python_version', for example
                        'conda:3.12'. If the Python version is not specified,
                        all those listed in the configuration file are run.
                        The special environment type
                        'existing:/path/to/python' runs the benchmarks using
                        the given Python interpreter; if the path is omitted,
                        the Python running asv is used. For 'existing', the
                        benchmarked project must be already installed,
                        including all dependencies. By default, uses the
                        values specified in the configuration file.
  --python PYTHON       Same as --environment=:PYTHON
  --set-commit-hash SET_COMMIT_HASH
                        Set the commit hash to use when recording benchmark
                        results. This makes results to be saved also when
                        using an existing environment.
  --launch-method {auto,spawn,forkserver}
                        How to launch benchmarks. Choices: auto, spawn,
  --dry-run, -n         Do not save any results to disk.
  --machine MACHINE, -m MACHINE
                        Use the given name to retrieve machine information. If
                        not provided, the hostname is used. If no entry with
                        that name is found, and there is only one entry in
                        ~/.asv-machine.json, that one entry will be used.
                        Skip running benchmarks that have previous successful
                        Skip running benchmarks that have previous failed
                        Skip running benchmarks for commits that have existing
  --skip-existing, -k   Skip running benchmarks that have previous successful
                        or failed results
  --record-samples      Store raw measurement samples, not only statistics
  --append-samples      Combine new measurement samples with previous results,
                        instead of discarding old results. Implies --record-
                        samples. The previous run must also have been run with
  --interleave-rounds   Interleave benchmarks with multiple rounds across
                        commits. This can avoid measurement biases from commit
                        ordering, can take longer.
  --no-pull             Do not pull the repository
  --verbose, -v         Increase verbosity
  --config CONFIG       Benchmark configuration file
  --version             Print program version

asv dev

usage: asv dev [-h] [--date-period DATE_PERIOD] [--steps STEPS]
               [--bench BENCH] [--attribute ATTRIBUTE]
               [--cpu-affinity ATTRIBUTE] [--profile] [--parallel [PARALLEL]]
               [--show-stderr] [--durations [N]] [--quick] [-E ENV_SPEC]
               [--python PYTHON] [--set-commit-hash SET_COMMIT_HASH]
               [--launch-method {auto,spawn,forkserver}] [--dry-run]
               [--machine MACHINE] [--skip-existing-successful]
               [--skip-existing-failed] [--skip-existing-commits]
               [--skip-existing] [--record-samples] [--append-samples]
               [--interleave-rounds] [--no-interleave-rounds] [--no-pull]
               [--verbose] [--config CONFIG] [--version]

This runs a benchmark suite in a mode that is useful during development. It is
equivalent to ``asv run --python=same``

positional arguments:
  range                 Range of commits to benchmark. For a git repository,
                        this is passed as the first argument to ``git rev-
                        list``; or Mercurial log command. See 'specifying
                        ranges' section of the `gitrevisions` manpage, or 'hg
                        help revisions', for more info. Also accepts the
                        special values 'NEW', 'ALL', 'EXISTING', and
                        'HASHFILE:xxx'. 'NEW' will benchmark all commits since
                        the latest benchmarked on this machine. 'ALL' will
                        benchmark all commits in the project. 'EXISTING' will
                        benchmark against all commits for which there are
                        existing benchmarks on any machine. 'HASHFILE:xxx'
                        will benchmark only a specific set of hashes given in
                        the file named 'xxx' ('-' means stdin), which must
                        have one hash per line. By default, will benchmark the
                        head of each configured of the branches.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --date-period DATE_PERIOD
                        Pick only one commit in each given time period. For
                        example: 1d (daily), 1w (weekly), 1y (yearly).
  --steps STEPS, -s STEPS
                        Maximum number of steps to benchmark. This is used to
                        subsample the commits determined by range to a
                        reasonable number.
  --bench BENCH, -b BENCH
                        Regular expression(s) for benchmark to run. When not
                        provided, all benchmarks are run.
  --attribute ATTRIBUTE, -a ATTRIBUTE
                        Override a benchmark attribute, e.g. `-a repeat=10`.
  --cpu-affinity ATTRIBUTE
                        Set CPU affinity for running the benchmark, in format:
                        0 or 0,1,2 or 0-3. Default: not set
  --profile, -p         In addition to timing, run the benchmarks through the
                        `cProfile` profiler and store the results.
  --parallel [PARALLEL], -j [PARALLEL]
                        Build (but don't benchmark) in parallel. The value is
                        the number of CPUs to use, or if no number provided,
                        use the number of cores on this machine.
  --show-stderr, -e     Display the stderr output from the benchmarks.
  --durations [N]       Display total duration for N (or 'all') slowest
  --quick, -q           Do a "quick" run, where each benchmark function is run
                        only once. This is useful to find basic errors in the
                        benchmark functions faster. The results are unlikely
                        to be useful, and thus are not saved.
  -E ENV_SPEC, --environment ENV_SPEC
                        Specify the environment and Python versions for
                        running the benchmarks. String of the format
                        'environment_type:python_version', for example
                        'conda:3.12'. If the Python version is not specified,
                        all those listed in the configuration file are run.
                        The special environment type
                        'existing:/path/to/python' runs the benchmarks using
                        the given Python interpreter; if the path is omitted,
                        the Python running asv is used. For 'existing', the
                        benchmarked project must be already installed,
                        including all dependencies. The default value is
  --python PYTHON       Same as --environment=:PYTHON
  --set-commit-hash SET_COMMIT_HASH
                        Set the commit hash to use when recording benchmark
                        results. This makes results to be saved also when
                        using an existing environment.
  --launch-method {auto,spawn,forkserver}
                        How to launch benchmarks. Choices: auto, spawn,
  --dry-run, -n         Do not save any results to disk.
  --machine MACHINE, -m MACHINE
                        Use the given name to retrieve machine information. If
                        not provided, the hostname is used. If no entry with
                        that name is found, and there is only one entry in
                        ~/.asv-machine.json, that one entry will be used.
                        Skip running benchmarks that have previous successful
                        Skip running benchmarks that have previous failed
                        Skip running benchmarks for commits that have existing
  --skip-existing, -k   Skip running benchmarks that have previous successful
                        or failed results
  --record-samples      Store raw measurement samples, not only statistics
  --append-samples      Combine new measurement samples with previous results,
                        instead of discarding old results. Implies --record-
                        samples. The previous run must also have been run with
  --interleave-rounds   Interleave benchmarks with multiple rounds across
                        commits. This can avoid measurement biases from commit
                        ordering, can take longer.
  --no-pull             Do not pull the repository
  --verbose, -v         Increase verbosity
  --config CONFIG       Benchmark configuration file
  --version             Print program version

asv continuous

usage: asv continuous [-h] [--no-record-samples] [--append-samples] [--quick]
                      [--interleave-rounds] [--no-interleave-rounds]
                      [--factor FACTOR] [--no-stats] [--split]
                      [--only-changed] [--no-only-changed]
                      [--sort {name,ratio,default}] [--show-stderr]
                      [--bench BENCH] [--attribute ATTRIBUTE]
                      [--cpu-affinity ATTRIBUTE] [--machine MACHINE]
                      [-E ENV_SPEC] [--python PYTHON]
                      [--launch-method {auto,spawn,forkserver}] [--verbose]
                      [--config CONFIG] [--version]
                      [base] branch

Run a side-by-side comparison of two commits for continuous integration.

positional arguments:
  base                  The commit/branch to compare against. By default, the
                        parent of the tested commit.
  branch                The commit/branch to test. By default, the first
                        configured branch.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --no-record-samples   Do not store raw measurement samples, but only
  --append-samples      Combine new measurement samples with previous results,
                        instead of discarding old results. Implies --record-
                        samples. The previous run must also have been run with
  --quick, -q           Do a "quick" run, where each benchmark function is run
                        only once. This is useful to find basic errors in the
                        benchmark functions faster. The results are unlikely
                        to be useful, and thus are not saved.
  --interleave-rounds   Interleave benchmarks with multiple rounds across
                        commits. This can avoid measurement biases from commit
                        ordering, can take longer.
  --factor FACTOR, -f FACTOR
                        The factor above or below which a result is considered
                        problematic. For example, with a factor of 1.1 (the
                        default value), if a benchmark gets 10% slower or
                        faster, it will be displayed in the results list.
  --no-stats            Do not use result statistics in comparisons, only
                        `factor` and the median result.
  --split, -s           Split the output into a table of benchmarks that have
                        improved, stayed the same, and gotten worse.
  --only-changed        Whether to show only changed results.
  --sort {name,ratio,default}
                        Sort order
  --show-stderr, -e     Display the stderr output from the benchmarks.
  --bench BENCH, -b BENCH
                        Regular expression(s) for benchmark to run. When not
                        provided, all benchmarks are run.
  --attribute ATTRIBUTE, -a ATTRIBUTE
                        Override a benchmark attribute, e.g. `-a repeat=10`.
  --cpu-affinity ATTRIBUTE
                        Set CPU affinity for running the benchmark, in format:
                        0 or 0,1,2 or 0-3. Default: not set
  --machine MACHINE, -m MACHINE
                        Use the given name to retrieve machine information. If
                        not provided, the hostname is used. If no entry with
                        that name is found, and there is only one entry in
                        ~/.asv-machine.json, that one entry will be used.
  -E ENV_SPEC, --environment ENV_SPEC
                        Specify the environment and Python versions for
                        running the benchmarks. String of the format
                        'environment_type:python_version', for example
                        'conda:3.12'. If the Python version is not specified,
                        all those listed in the configuration file are run.
                        The special environment type
                        'existing:/path/to/python' runs the benchmarks using
                        the given Python interpreter; if the path is omitted,
                        the Python running asv is used. For 'existing', the
                        benchmarked project must be already installed,
                        including all dependencies. By default, uses the
                        values specified in the configuration file.
  --python PYTHON       Same as --environment=:PYTHON
  --launch-method {auto,spawn,forkserver}
                        How to launch benchmarks. Choices: auto, spawn,
  --verbose, -v         Increase verbosity
  --config CONFIG       Benchmark configuration file
  --version             Print program version

asv find

usage: asv find [-h] [--invert] [--skip-save] [--parallel [PARALLEL]]
                [--show-stderr] [--machine MACHINE] [-E ENV_SPEC]
                [--python PYTHON] [--launch-method {auto,spawn,forkserver}]
                [--verbose] [--config CONFIG] [--version]

Adaptively searches a range of commits for one that produces a large
regression. This only works well when the regression in the range is mostly

positional arguments:              Range of commits to search. For a git repository, this
                        is passed as the first argument to ``git log``. See
                        'specifying ranges' section of the `gitrevisions`
                        manpage for more info.
  benchmark_name        Name of benchmark to use in search.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --invert, -i          Search for a decrease in the benchmark value, rather
                        than an increase.
  --skip-save           Do not save intermediate results from the search
  --parallel [PARALLEL], -j [PARALLEL]
                        Build (but don't benchmark) in parallel. The value is
                        the number of CPUs to use, or if no number provided,
                        use the number of cores on this machine.
  --show-stderr, -e     Display the stderr output from the benchmarks.
  --machine MACHINE, -m MACHINE
                        Use the given name to retrieve machine information. If
                        not provided, the hostname is used. If no entry with
                        that name is found, and there is only one entry in
                        ~/.asv-machine.json, that one entry will be used.
  -E ENV_SPEC, --environment ENV_SPEC
                        Specify the environment and Python versions for
                        running the benchmarks. String of the format
                        'environment_type:python_version', for example
                        'conda:3.12'. If the Python version is not specified,
                        all those listed in the configuration file are run.
                        The special environment type
                        'existing:/path/to/python' runs the benchmarks using
                        the given Python interpreter; if the path is omitted,
                        the Python running asv is used. For 'existing', the
                        benchmarked project must be already installed,
                        including all dependencies. By default, uses the
                        values specified in the configuration file.
  --python PYTHON       Same as --environment=:PYTHON
  --launch-method {auto,spawn,forkserver}
                        How to launch benchmarks. Choices: auto, spawn,
  --verbose, -v         Increase verbosity
  --config CONFIG       Benchmark configuration file
  --version             Print program version

asv rm

usage: asv rm [-h] [-y] [--verbose] [--config CONFIG] [--version]
              patterns [patterns ...]

Removes entries from the results database.

positional arguments:
  patterns         Pattern(s) to match, each of the form X=Y. X may be one of
                   "benchmark", "commit_hash", "python" or any of the machine
                   or environment params. Y is a case-sensitive glob pattern.

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -y               Don't prompt for confirmation.
  --verbose, -v    Increase verbosity
  --config CONFIG  Benchmark configuration file
  --version        Print program version

asv publish

usage: asv publish [-h] [--no-pull] [--html-dir HTML_DIR] [--verbose]
                   [--config CONFIG] [--version]

Collate all results into a website. This website will be written to the
``html_dir`` given in the ``asv.conf.json`` file, and may be served using any
static web server.

positional arguments:
  range                 Optional commit range to consider

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --no-pull             Do not pull the repository
  --html-dir HTML_DIR, -o HTML_DIR
                        Optional output directory. Default is 'html_dir' from
                        asv config
  --verbose, -v         Increase verbosity
  --config CONFIG       Benchmark configuration file
  --version             Print program version

asv preview

usage: asv preview [-h] [--port PORT] [--browser] [--html-dir HTML_DIR]
                   [--verbose] [--config CONFIG] [--version]

Preview the results using a local web server

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --port PORT, -p PORT  Port to run webserver on. [8080]
  --browser, -b         Open in webbrowser
  --html-dir HTML_DIR, -o HTML_DIR
                        Optional output directory. Default is 'html_dir' from
                        asv config
  --verbose, -v         Increase verbosity
  --config CONFIG       Benchmark configuration file
  --version             Print program version

asv profile

usage: asv profile [-h] [--gui GUI] [--output OUTPUT] [--force] [-E ENV_SPEC]
                   [--python PYTHON] [--launch-method {auto,spawn,forkserver}]
                   [--verbose] [--config CONFIG] [--version]
                   benchmark [revision]

Profile a benchmark

positional arguments:
  benchmark             The benchmark to profile. Must be a fully-specified
                        benchmark name. For parameterized benchmark, it must
                        include the parameter combination to use, e.g.:
                        benchmark_name\(param0, param1, ...\)
  revision              The revision of the project to profile. May be a
                        commit hash, or a tag or branch name.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gui GUI, -g GUI     Display the profile in the given gui. Use --gui=list
                        to list available guis.
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Save the profiling information to the given file. This
                        file is in the format written by the `cProfile`
                        standard library module. If not provided, prints a
                        simple text-based profiling report to the console.
  --force, -f           Forcibly re-run the profile, even if the data already
                        exists in the results database.
  -E ENV_SPEC, --environment ENV_SPEC
                        Specify the environment and Python versions for
                        running the benchmarks. String of the format
                        'environment_type:python_version', for example
                        'conda:3.12'. If the Python version is not specified,
                        all those listed in the configuration file are run.
                        The special environment type
                        'existing:/path/to/python' runs the benchmarks using
                        the given Python interpreter; if the path is omitted,
                        the Python running asv is used. For 'existing', the
                        benchmarked project must be already installed,
                        including all dependencies. By default, uses the
                        values specified in the configuration file.
  --python PYTHON       Same as --environment=:PYTHON
  --launch-method {auto,spawn,forkserver}
                        How to launch benchmarks. Choices: auto, spawn,
  --verbose, -v         Increase verbosity
  --config CONFIG       Benchmark configuration file
  --version             Print program version

asv update

usage: asv update [-h] [--verbose] [--config CONFIG] [--version]

Update the results and config files to the current version

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --verbose, -v    Increase verbosity
  --config CONFIG  Benchmark configuration file
  --version        Print program version

asv show

usage: asv show [-h] [--details] [--durations] [--bench BENCH]
                [--attribute ATTRIBUTE] [--cpu-affinity ATTRIBUTE]
                [--machine MACHINE] [-E ENV_SPEC] [--python PYTHON]
                [--verbose] [--config CONFIG] [--version]

Print saved benchmark results.

positional arguments:
  commit                The commit to show data for

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --details             Show all result details
  --durations           Show only run durations
  --bench BENCH, -b BENCH
                        Regular expression(s) for benchmark to run. When not
                        provided, all benchmarks are run.
  --attribute ATTRIBUTE, -a ATTRIBUTE
                        Override a benchmark attribute, e.g. `-a repeat=10`.
  --cpu-affinity ATTRIBUTE
                        Set CPU affinity for running the benchmark, in format:
                        0 or 0,1,2 or 0-3. Default: not set
  --machine MACHINE, -m MACHINE
                        Use the given name to retrieve machine information. If
                        not provided, the hostname is used. If no entry with
                        that name is found, and there is only one entry in
                        ~/.asv-machine.json, that one entry will be used.
  -E ENV_SPEC, --environment ENV_SPEC
                        Specify the environment and Python versions for
                        running the benchmarks. String of the format
                        'environment_type:python_version', for example
                        'conda:3.12'. If the Python version is not specified,
                        all those listed in the configuration file are run.
                        The special environment type
                        'existing:/path/to/python' runs the benchmarks using
                        the given Python interpreter; if the path is omitted,
                        the Python running asv is used. For 'existing', the
                        benchmarked project must be already installed,
                        including all dependencies. By default, uses the
                        values specified in the configuration file.
  --python PYTHON       Same as --environment=:PYTHON
  --verbose, -v         Increase verbosity
  --config CONFIG       Benchmark configuration file
  --version             Print program version

asv compare

usage: asv compare [-h] [--factor FACTOR] [--no-stats] [--split]
                   [--only-changed] [--no-only-changed]
                   [--sort {name,ratio,default}] [--machine MACHINE]
                   [-E ENV_SPEC] [--python PYTHON] [--verbose]
                   [--config CONFIG] [--version]
                   revision1 revision2

Compare two sets of results

positional arguments:
  revision1             The reference revision.
  revision2             The revision being compared.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --factor FACTOR, -f FACTOR
                        The factor above or below which a result is considered
                        problematic. For example, with a factor of 1.1 (the
                        default value), if a benchmark gets 10% slower or
                        faster, it will be displayed in the results list.
  --no-stats            Do not use result statistics in comparisons, only
                        `factor` and the median result.
  --split, -s           Split the output into a table of benchmarks that have
                        improved, stayed the same, and gotten worse.
  --only-changed        Whether to show only changed results.
  --sort {name,ratio,default}
                        Sort order
  --machine MACHINE, -m MACHINE
                        The machine to compare the revisions for.
  -E ENV_SPEC, --environment ENV_SPEC
                        Specify the environment and Python versions for
                        running the benchmarks. String of the format
                        'environment_type:python_version', for example
                        'conda:3.12'. If the Python version is not specified,
                        all those listed in the configuration file are run.
                        The special environment type
                        'existing:/path/to/python' runs the benchmarks using
                        the given Python interpreter; if the path is omitted,
                        the Python running asv is used. For 'existing', the
                        benchmarked project must be already installed,
                        including all dependencies. By default, uses the
                        values specified in the configuration file.
  --python PYTHON       Same as --environment=:PYTHON
  --verbose, -v         Increase verbosity
  --config CONFIG       Benchmark configuration file
  --version             Print program version

asv check

usage: asv check [-h] [-E ENV_SPEC] [--python PYTHON] [--verbose]
                 [--config CONFIG] [--version]

This imports and checks basic validity of the benchmark suite, but does not
run the benchmark target code

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -E ENV_SPEC, --environment ENV_SPEC
                        Specify the environment and Python versions for
                        running the benchmarks. String of the format
                        'environment_type:python_version', for example
                        'conda:3.12'. If the Python version is not specified,
                        all those listed in the configuration file are run.
                        The special environment type
                        'existing:/path/to/python' runs the benchmarks using
                        the given Python interpreter; if the path is omitted,
                        the Python running asv is used. For 'existing', the
                        benchmarked project must be already installed,
                        including all dependencies. By default, uses the
                        values specified in the configuration file.
  --python PYTHON       Same as --environment=:PYTHON
  --verbose, -v         Increase verbosity
  --config CONFIG       Benchmark configuration file
  --version             Print program version

asv gh-pages

usage: asv gh-pages [-h] [--no-push] [--rewrite] [--verbose] [--config CONFIG]

Publish the results to github pages Updates the 'gh-pages' branch in the
current repository, and pushes it to 'origin'.

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --no-push        Update local gh-pages branch but don't push
  --rewrite        Rewrite gh-pages branch to contain only a single commit,
                   instead of adding a new commit
  --verbose, -v    Increase verbosity
  --config CONFIG  Benchmark configuration file
  --version        Print program version