asv.conf.json reference

The asv.conf.json file contains information about a particular benchmarking project. The following describes each of the keys in this file and their expected values.


The name of the project being benchmarked.


The URL to the homepage of the project. This can point to anywhere, really, as it’s only used for the link at the top of the benchmark results page back to your project.


The URL to the repository for the project.

The value can also be a path, relative to the location of the configuration file. For example, if the benchmarks are stored in the same repository as the project itself, and the configuration file is located at benchmarks/asv.conf.json inside the repository, you can set "repo": ".." to use the local repository.

Currently, only git and hg repositories are supported, so this must be a URL that git or hg know how to clone from, for example:

The repository may be readonly.


The relative path to your Python project inside the repository. This is where its file is located.

If empty or omitted, the project is assumed to be located at the root of the repository.

build_command, install_command, uninstall_command

Airspeed Velocity rebuilds the project as needed, using these commands.

The defaults are:

["in-dir={env_dir} python -mpip install {wheel_file}"],

["return-code=any python -mpip uninstall -y {project}"],

["python build",
 "PIP_NO_BUILD_ISOLATION=false python -mpip wheel --no-deps --no-index -w {build_cache_dir} {build_dir}"],

The install commands should install the project in the active Python environment (virtualenv/conda), so that it can be used by the benchmark code.

The uninstall commands should uninstall the project from the environment.

The build commands can optionally be used to cache build results in the cache directory {build_cache_dir}, which is commit and environment-specific. If the cache directory contains any files after build_command finishes with exit code 0, asv assumes it contains a cached build. When a cached build is available, asv will only call install_command but not build_command. (The number of cached builds retained at any time is determined by the build_cache_size configuration option.)

The install_command and build_command are by default launched in {build_dir}. The uninstall_command is launched in the environment root directory.

The commands are specified in typical POSIX shell syntax (Python shlex), but are not run in a shell, so that e.g. cd has no effect on subsequent commands, and wildcard or environment variable expansion is not done. The substituted variables {variable_name} do not need to be quoted. The commands may contain environment variable specifications in in form VARNAME=value at the beginning. In addition, valid return codes can be specified via return-code=0,1,2 and return-code=any.

The in-dir=somedir specification changes the working directory for the command.

The commands can be supplied with the arguments:

  • {project}: the project name from the configuration file
  • {env_name}: name of the currently active environment
  • {env_type}: type of the currently active environment
  • {env_dir}: full path to the currently active environment root
  • {conf_dir}: full path to the directory where asv.conf.json is
  • {build_dir}: full path to the build directory (checked-out source path + repo_subdir)
  • {build_cache_dir}: full path to the build cache directory
  • {commit}: commit hash of currently installed project
  • {wheel_file}: absolute path to a *.whl file in {build_cache_dir} (defined only if there is exactly one existing wheel file in the directory).

Several environment variables are also defined.


Branches to generate benchmark results for.

This controls how the benchmark results are displayed, and what benchmarks asv run ALL and asv run NEW run.

If not provided, “master” (Git) or “default” (Mercurial) is chosen.


The base URL to show information about a particular commit. The commit hash will be added to the end of this URL and then opened in a new tab when a data point is clicked on in the web interface.

For example, if using Github to host your repository, the show_commit_url should be:


The versions of Python to run the benchmarks in. If not provided, it will to default to the version of Python that the asv command (master) is being run under.

If provided, it should be a list of strings. It may be one of the following:

  • a Python version string, e.g. "2.7", in which case:
    • if conda is found, conda will be used to create an environment for that version of Python via a temporary environment.yml file
    • if virtualenv is installed, asv will search for that version of Python on the PATH and create a new virtual environment based on it. asv does not handle downloading and installing different versions of Python for you. They must already be installed and on the path. Depending on your platform, you can install multiple versions of Python using your package manager or using pyenv.
  • an executable name on the PATH or an absolute path to an executable. In this case, the environment is assumed to be already fully loaded and read-only. Thus, the benchmarked project must already be installed, and it will not be possible to benchmark multiple revisions of the project.


A path to a conda environment file to use as source for the dependencies. For example:

"conda_environment_file": "environment.yml"

The environment file should generally install wheel and pip, since those are required by the default Asv build commands. If there are packages present in matrix, an additional conda env update call is used to install them after the environment is created.

This option will cause asv to ignore the Python version in the environment creation, which is then assumed to be fixed by the environment file.


A list of conda channel names (strings) to use in the provided order as the source channels for the dependencies. For example:

"conda_channels": ["conda-forge", "defaults"]

The channels will be parsed by asv to populate the channels section of a temporary environment.yml file used to build the benchmarking environment.


Defines a matrix of third-party dependencies and environment variables to run the benchmarks with.

If provided, it must be a dictionary, containing some of the keys “req”, “env”, “env_nobuild”. For example:

"matrix": {
    "req": {
        "numpy": ["1.7", "1.8"],
        "Cython": []
        "six": ["", null]
    "env": {
        "FOO": "bar"

The keys of the "req" are the names of dependencies, and the values are lists of versions (as strings) of that dependency. An empty string means the “latest” version of that dependency available on PyPI. Value of null means the package will not be installed.

If the list is empty, it is equivalent to [""], in other words, the “latest” version.

For example, the following will test with two different versions of Numpy, the latest version of Cython, and six installed as the latest version and not installed at all:

"matrix": {
    "req": {
        "numpy": ["1.7", "1.8"],
        "Cython": []
        "six": ["", null],

The matrix dependencies are installed before any dependencies that the project being benchmarked may specify in its file.


At present, this functionality only supports dependencies that are installable via pip or conda (depending on which environment is used). If conda is specified as environment_type and you wish to install the package via pip, then preface the package name with pip+. For example, emcee is only available from pip, so the package name to be used is pip+emcee.

The env and env_nobuild dictionaries can be used to set also environment variables:

"matrix": {
    "env": {
        "ENV_VAR_1": ["val1", "val2"],
        "ENV_VAR_2": ["val3", null],
    "env_nobuild": {
        "ENV_VAR_3": ["val4", "val5"],

Variables in “no_build” will be passed to every environment during the test phase, but will not trigger a new build. A value of null means that the variable will not be set for the current combination.

The above matrix will result in 4 different builds with the following additional environment variables and values:

  • [(“ENV_VAR_1”, “val1”), (“ENV_VAR_2”, “val3”)]
  • [(“ENV_VAR_1”, “val1”)]
  • [(“ENV_VAR_1”, “val2”), (“ENV_VAR_2”, “val3”)]
  • [(“ENV_VAR_1”, “val2”)]

It will generate 8 different test environments based on those 4 builds with the following environment variables and values:

  • [(“ENV_VAR_1”, “val1”), (“ENV_VAR_2”, “val3”), (“ENV_VAR_3”, “val4”)]
  • [(“ENV_VAR_1”, “val1”), (“ENV_VAR_2”, “val3”), (“ENV_VAR_3”, “val5”)]
  • [(“ENV_VAR_1”, “val1”), (“ENV_VAR_3”, “val4”)]
  • [(“ENV_VAR_1”, “val1”), (“ENV_VAR_3”, “val5”)]
  • [(“ENV_VAR_1”, “val2”), (“ENV_VAR_2”, “val3”), (“ENV_VAR_3”, “val4”)]
  • [(“ENV_VAR_1”, “val2”), (“ENV_VAR_2”, “val3”), (“ENV_VAR_3”, “val5”)]
  • [(“ENV_VAR_1”, “val2”), (“ENV_VAR_3”, “val4”)]
  • [(“ENV_VAR_1”, “val2”), (“ENV_VAR_3”, “val5”)]


Combinations of libraries, Python versions, or platforms to be excluded from the combination matrix. If provided, must be a list of dictionaries, each specifying an exclude rule.

An exclude rule consists of key-value pairs, specifying matching rules matrix[key] ~ value. The values are strings containing regular expressions that should match whole strings. The exclude rule matches if all of the items in it match.

Each exclude rule can contain the following keys:

  • python: Python version (from pythons)
  • sys_platform: Current platform, as in sys.platform. Common values are: linux2, win32, cygwin, darwin.
  • environment_type: The environment type in use (from environment_type).
  • req: dictionary of rules vs. the requirements
  • env: dictionary of rules vs. environment variables
  • env_nobuild: : dictionary of rules vs. the non-build environment variables

For example:

"pythons": ["2.6", "2.7"],
"matrix": {
    "req": {
        "numpy": ["1.7", "1.8"],
        "Cython": ["", null],
        "colorama": ["", null]
    "env": {"FOO": ["1", "2"]},
"exclude": [
    {"python": "2.6", "req": {"numpy": "1.7"}},
    {"sys_platform": "(?!win32).*", "req": {"colorama": ""}},
    {"sys_platform": "win32", "req": {"colorama": null}},
    {"env": {"FOO": "1"}},

This will generate all combinations of Python version and items in the matrix, except those with Python 2.6 and Numpy 1.7. In other words, the combinations:

python==2.6 numpy==1.8 Cython==latest (colorama==latest) FOO=2
python==2.6 numpy==1.8 (colorama==latest) FOO=2
python==2.7 numpy==1.7 Cython==latest (colorama==latest) FOO=2
python==2.7 numpy==1.7 (colorama==latest) FOO=2
python==2.7 numpy==1.8 Cython==latest (colorama==latest) FOO=2
python==2.7 numpy==1.8 (colorama==latest) FOO=2

The colorama package will be installed only if the current platform is Windows.


Additional package combinations to be included as environments.

If specified, must be a list of dictionaries, indicating the versions of packages and other environment configuration to be installed. The dictionary must also include a python key specifying the Python version.

Similarly as for the matrix, the "req", "env" and "env_nobuild" entries specify dictionaries containing requirements and environment variables. In contrast to the matrix, the values are not lists, but a single value only.

In addition, the following keys can be present: sys_platform, environment_type. If present, the include rule is active only if the values match, using same matching rules as explained for exclude above.

The exclude rules are not applied to includes.

For example:

"include": [
    {"python": "2.7", "req": {"numpy": "1.8.2"}, "env": {"FOO": "true"}},
    {"platform": "win32", "environment_type": "conda",
     "req": {"python": "2.7", "libpython": ""}}

This corresponds to two additional environments. One runs on Python 2.7 and including the specified version of Numpy. The second is active only for Conda on Windows, and installs the latest version of libpython.


The directory, relative to the current directory, that benchmarks are stored in. Should rarely need to be overridden. If not provided, defaults to "benchmarks".


Specifies the tool to use to create environments. May be “conda”, “virtualenv” or another value depending on the plugins in use. If missing or the empty string, the tool will be automatically determined by looking for tools on the PATH environment variable.


The directory, relative to the current directory, to cache the Python environments in. If not provided, defaults to "env".


The directory, relative to the current directory, that the raw results are stored in. If not provided, defaults to "results".


The directory, relative to the current directory, to save the website content in. If not provided, defaults to "html".


The number of characters to retain in the commit hashes when displayed in the web interface. The default value of 8 should be more than enough for most projects, but projects with extremely large history may need to increase this value. This does not affect the storage of results, where the full commit hash is always retained.


A list of modules to import containing asv plugins.


The number of builds to cache for each environment.


The commits after which the regression search in asv publish should start looking for regressions.

The value is a dictionary mapping benchmark identifier regexps to commits after which to look for regressions. The benchmark identifiers are of the form benchmark_name(parameters)@branch, where (parameters) is present only for parameterized benchmarks. If the commit identifier is null, regression detection for the matching benchmark is skipped. The default is to start from the first commit with results.


"regressions_first_commits": {
    ".*": "v0.1.0",
    "benchmark_1": "80fca08d",
    "benchmark_2@master": null,

In this case, regressions are detected only for commits after tag v0.1.0 for all benchmarks. For benchmark_1, regression detection is further limited to commits after the commit given, and for benchmark_2, regression detection is skipped completely in the master branch.


The minimum relative change required before asv publish reports a regression.

The value is a dictionary, similar to regressions_first_commits. If multiple entries match, the largest threshold is taken. If no entry matches, the default threshold is 0.05 (iow. 5%).


"regressions_thresholds": {
    ".*": 0.01,
    "benchmark_1": 0.2,

In this case, the reporting threshold is 1% for all benchmarks, except benchmark_1 which uses a threshold of 20%.