Installing airspeed velocity

airspeed velocity is known to work on Linux, Mac OS-X, and Windows. It is known to work with Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6. It works also with PyPy.

airspeed velocity is a standard Python package, and the latest released version may be installed in the standard way from PyPI:

pip install asv

The development version can be installed by cloning the source repository and running pip install . inside it, or by pip install git+

The requirements should be automatically installed. If they aren’t installed automatically, for example due to networking restrictions, the requirements are:

  • six, 1.4 or later

and one of the following:

  • virtualenv, 1.10 or later (it is required also on Python 3, where virtualenv is included as venv, since venv is not compatible with other versions of Python).

    Note that virtualenv 1.11.0 will not work, as it contains a bug in setuptools that prevents its installation in a clean virtual environment.

  • An anaconda or miniconda installation, with the conda command available on your path.


Anaconda or miniconda is preferred if the dependencies of your project involve a lot of compiled C/C++ extensions and are available in the conda repository, since conda will be able to fetch precompiled binaries for these dependencies in many cases. Using virtualenv, dependencies without precompiled wheels usually have to be compiled every time the environments are set up.

Optional optimization

If your project being benchmarked contains C, C++, Objective-C or Cython, consider installing ccache. ccache is a compiler cache that speeds up compilation time when the same objects are repeatedly compiled. In airspeed velocity, the project being benchmarked is recompiled at many different points in its history, often with only minor changes to the source code, so ccache can help speed up the total benchmarking time considerably.

Running the self-tests

The self tests are based on py.test. If you don’t have it installed, and you have a connection to the Internet, it will be installed automatically.

To run airspeed velocity’s self tests:

python test