
Module Contents#



Decorator to set skip parameters for a benchmark function.


Decorator to mark a function as skipped for benchmarking.


Decorator to skip benchmarking of a function if a condition is met.


Decorator to set skip parameters for a benchmark function if a condition is met.


Class Decorator to set benchmark parameters for a class.


Function Decorator to set benchmark parameters for a function.


Decorator to set benchmark parameters for a function or a class.


Class Decorator to set timeout for a class.


Function Decorator to set timeout for a function.


Decorator to set a timeout for a function or a class.



exception asv_runner.benchmarks.mark.SkipNotImplemented(message='')#

Bases: NotImplementedError

Exception raised to indicate a skipped benchmark.

This exception inherits from NotImplementedError. It’s used within an ASV benchmark to skip the current benchmark for certain parameters or conditions that are not implemented or do not apply.


message (str)

A string that provides a more detailed explanation of the skip reason.


Use of SkipNotImplemented is less efficient than the @skip_for_params decorator as the setup for the benchmarks and the benchmarks themselves are run before the error is raised, thus consuming unnecessary resources. Use @skip_for_params where possible to avoid running the benchmarks that should be skipped.


This is mainly provided for backwards compatibility with the behavior of asv before 0.5 wherein individual benchmarks could raise and be skipped. From 0.5 onwards, only the setup function is meant to raise NotImplemented for skipping parameter sets.


This exception might be used in a scenario where a benchmark should be skipped for certain conditions or parameters:

class Simple:
    params = ([False, True])
    param_names = ["ok"]

    def time_failure(self, ok):
        if ok:
            x = 34.2**4.2
            raise SkipNotImplemented


Initialize a new instance of SkipNotImplemented.


message (str)

A string that provides a more detailed explanation of the skip reason. Optional; if not provided, defaults to an empty string.


Decorator to set skip parameters for a benchmark function.


skip_params_list (list): A list of tuples, each specifying a combination of parameter values that should cause the benchmark function to be skipped.


decorator (function): A decorator function that sets the skip parameters for the benchmark function.


The skip_for_params decorator can be used to specify conditions under which a benchmark function should be skipped. Each tuple in the list represents a combination of parameter values which, if received by the benchmark function, will cause that function to be skipped during the benchmarking process.

The decorated function’s skip_params attribute will be set with the provided skip parameters, which will be used during the benchmarking process.

Using this decorator is always more efficient than raising a SkipNotImplemented exception within the benchmark function, as the function setup and execution can be avoided entirely for skipped parameters.


class Simple:
    params = ([False, True])
    param_names = ["ok"]

    @skip_for_params([(False, )])
    def time_failure(self, ok):
        if ok:
            x = 34.2**4.2

Decorator to mark a function as skipped for benchmarking.


func (function)

The function to be marked as skipped.


wrapper (function)

A wrapped function that is marked to be skipped for benchmarking.


The skip_benchmark decorator can be used to mark a specific function as skipped for benchmarking. When the decorated function is encountered during benchmarking, it will be skipped and not included in the benchmarking process.


Decorator to skip benchmarking of a function if a condition is met.


condition (bool)

A boolean that indicates whether to skip benchmarking. If True, the decorated function will be skipped for benchmarking. If False, the decorated function will be benchmarked as usual.


decorator (function)

A decorator function that sets the condition under which the decorated function will be skipped for benchmarking.


The skip_if decorator can be used to skip the benchmarking of a specific function if a condition is met. It is faster than raising SkipNotImplemented as it skips the setup() as well.

asv_runner.benchmarks.mark.skip_params_if(skip_params_list, condition)#

Decorator to set skip parameters for a benchmark function if a condition is met.


skip_params_list (list): A list specifying the skip parameters for the benchmark function.

condition (bool)

A boolean that indicates whether to set the skip parameters. If True, the skip parameters will be set for the decorated function. If False, no parameters will be skipped.


decorator (function): A decorator function that sets the skip parameters for the benchmark function if the condition is met.


The skip_params_if decorator can be used to specify skip parameters for a benchmark function if a condition is met.


Class Decorator to set benchmark parameters for a class.


param_dict (dict): A dictionary specifying the parameters for the benchmark class. The keys represent the parameter names, and the values are lists of values for those parameters.


decorator (function): A class decorator that sets the parameters for the benchmark functions.


The parameterize_class_with decorator can be used to specify parameters for a benchmark class. The parameters are defined as a dictionary, where keys are the parameter names and values are lists of respective values. The decorated class’s params and param_names attributes will be set with the provided parameters and names, which will be used during the benchmarking process. This decorator will overwrite any existing params and param_names attributes in the class.


Function Decorator to set benchmark parameters for a function.


param_dict (dict): A dictionary specifying the parameters for the benchmark function. The keys represent the parameter names, and the values are lists of values for those parameters.


decorator (function): A function decorator that sets the parameters for the benchmark function.


The parameterize_func_with decorator can be used to specify parameters for a benchmark function. The parameters are defined as a dictionary, where keys are the parameter names and values are lists of respective values. The decorated function’s params and param_names attributes will be set with the provided parameters and names, which will be used during the benchmarking process. This decorator will overwrite any existing params and param_names attributes in the function, and it should not be used with methods of a class.


Decorator to set benchmark parameters for a function or a class.


param_dict (dict): A dictionary specifying the parameters for the benchmark. The keys represent the parameter names, and the values are lists of values for those parameters.


decorator (function): A function or class decorator that sets the parameters for the benchmark.


The parameterize decorator can be used to specify parameters for a benchmark function or class. The parameters are defined as a dictionary, where keys are the parameter names and values are lists of respective values. The decorated function or class’s params and param_names attributes will be set with the provided parameters and names, which will be used during the benchmarking process.


Class Decorator to set timeout for a class.


seconds (float)

The number of seconds after which the class methods should be timed out.


decorator (function)

A class decorator that sets the timeout for the class.


The timeout_class_at decorator can be used to specify a timeout for all methods in a class. The timeout is stored as an attribute on the class and applies to all its methods. Individual methods can override this timeout by using the timeout_func_at or timeout_at decorators.


Function Decorator to set timeout for a function.


seconds (float)

The number of seconds after which the function should be timed out.


decorator (function)

A function decorator that sets the timeout for the function.


The timeout_func_at decorator can be used to specify a timeout for a specific function. This is particularly useful for benchmarking, where you might want to stop execution of functions that take too long. The timeout is stored as an attribute on the function.


Decorator to set a timeout for a function or a class.


seconds (float)

The number of seconds after which the function or the class methods should be timed out.


decorator (function)

A decorator that sets the timeout for the function or the class.


The timeout_at decorator can be used to set a specific timeout for a function or all methods in a class. If applied to a class, the timeout is stored as an attribute on the class and applies to all its methods. Individual methods can override this timeout by using the timeout_func_at or timeout_at decorators. If applied to a function, the timeout is stored directly on the function.


[‘parameterize’, ‘skip_benchmark’, ‘skip_benchmark_if’, ‘skip_for_params’, ‘skip_params_if’, ‘timeou…