Writing benchmarks

Benchmarks are stored in a Python package, i.e. collection of .py files in the benchmark suite’s benchmark directory (as defined by benchmark_dir in the asv.conf.json file). The package may contain arbitrarily nested subpackages, contents of which will also be used, regardless of the file names.

Within each .py file, each benchmark is a function or method. The name of the function must have a special prefix, depending on the type of benchmark. asv understands how to handle the prefix in either CamelCase or lowercase with underscores. For example, to create a timing benchmark, the following are equivalent:

def time_range():
    for i in range(1000):

def TimeRange():
    for i in range(1000):

Benchmarks may be organized into methods of classes if desired:

class Suite:
    def time_range(self):
        for i in range(1000):

    def time_xrange(self):
        for i in xrange(1000):

Running benchmarks during development

There are some options to asv run that may be useful when writing benchmarks.

You may find that asv run spends a lot of time setting up the environment each time. You can have asv run use an existing Python environment that already has the benchmarked project and all of its dependencies installed. Use the --python argument to specify a Python environment to use:

asv run --python=python

If you don’t care about getting accurate timings, but just want to ensure the code is running, you can add the --quick argument, which will run each benchmark only once:

asv run --quick

In order to display the standard error output (this includes exception tracebacks) that your benchmarks may produce, pass the --show-stderr flag:

asv run --show-stderr

Finally, there is a special command, asv dev, that uses all of these features and is equivalent to:

asv run --python=same --quick --show-stderr --dry-run

You may also want to only do a basic check whether the benchmark suite is well-formatted, without actually running any benchmarks:

asv check --python=same

Setup and teardown functions

If initialization needs to be performed that should not be included in the timing of the benchmark, include that code in a setup method on the class, or add an attribute called setup to a free function.

For example:

class Suite:
    def setup(self):
        # load data from a file
        with open("/usr/share/words.txt", "r") as fd:
            self.words = fd.readlines()

    def time_upper(self):
        for word in self.words:

# or equivalently...

words = []
def my_setup():
    global words
    with open("/usr/share/words.txt", "r") as fd:
        words = fd.readlines()

def time_upper():
    for word in words:
time_upper.setup = my_setup

You can also include a module-level setup function, which will be run for every benchmark within the module, prior to any setup assigned specifically to each function.

Similarly, benchmarks can also have a teardown function that is run after the benchmark. This is useful if, for example, you need to clean up any changes made to the filesystem.

Note that although different benchmarks run in separate processes, for a given benchmark repeated measurement (cf. repeat attribute) and profiling occur within the same process. For these cases, the setup and teardown routines are run multiple times in the same process.

If setup raises a NotImplementedError, the benchmark is marked as skipped.


For asv versions before 0.5 it was possible to raise NotImplementedError from any existing benchmark during its execution and the benchmark would be marked as skipped. This behavior was deprecated from 0.5 onwards.

Changed in version 0.6.0: To keep compatibility with earlier versions, it is possible to raise asv_runner.benchmark.mark.SkipNotImplemented anywhere within a Benchmark, though users are advised to use the skip decorators instead as they are faster and do not execute the setup function. See Skipping benchmarks for more details.

The setup method is run multiple times, for each benchmark and for each repeat. If the setup is especially expensive, the setup_cache method may be used instead, which only performs the setup calculation once and then caches the result to disk. It is run only once also for repeated benchmarks and profiling, unlike setup. setup_cache can persist the data for the benchmarks it applies to in two ways:

  • Returning a data structure, which asv pickles to disk, and then loads and passes it as the first argument to each benchmark.
  • Saving files to the current working directory (which is a temporary directory managed by asv) which are then explicitly loaded in each benchmark process. It is probably best to load the data in a setup method so the loading time is not included in the timing of the benchmark.

A separate cache is used for each environment and each commit of the project being tested and is thrown out between benchmark runs.

For example, caching data in a pickle:

class Suite:
    def setup_cache(self):
        fib = [1, 1]
        for i in range(100):
            fib.append(fib[-2] + fib[-1])
        return fib

    def track_fib(self, fib):
        return fib[-1]

As another example, explicitly saving data in a file:

class Suite:
    def setup_cache(self):
        with open("test.dat", "wb") as fd:
            for i in range(100):

    def setup(self):
        with open("test.dat", "rb") as fd:
            self.data = [int(x) for x in fd.readlines()]

    def track_numbers(self):
        return len(self.data)

The setup_cache timeout can be specified by setting the .timeout attribute of the setup_cache function. The default value is the maximum of the timeouts of the benchmarks using it.


Changed in version 0.6.0: The configuration option default_benchmark_timeout can also be set for a project-wide timeout.

Benchmark attributes

Each benchmark can have a number of arbitrary attributes assigned to it. The attributes that asv understands depends on the type of benchmark and are defined below. For free functions, just assign the attribute to the function. For methods, include the attribute at the class level. For example, the following are equivalent:

def time_range():
    for i in range(1000):
time_range.timeout = 120.0

class Suite:
    timeout = 120.0

    def time_range(self):
        for i in range(1000):

For the list of attributes, see Benchmark types and attributes.

Parameterized benchmarks

You might want to run a single benchmark for multiple values of some parameter. This can be done by adding a params attribute to the benchmark object:

def time_range(n):
   for i in range(n):
time_range.params = [0, 10, 20, 30]

This will also make the setup and teardown functions parameterized:

class Suite:
    params = [0, 10, 20]

    def setup(self, n):
        self.obj = range(n)

    def teardown(self, n):
        del self.obj

    def time_range_iter(self, n):
        for i in self.obj:

If setup raises a NotImplementedError, the benchmark is marked as skipped for the parameter values in question.

The parameter values can be any Python objects. However, it is often best to use only strings or numbers, because these have simple unambiguous text representations. In the event the repr() output is non-unique, the representations will be made unique by suffixing an integer identifier corresponding to the order of appearance.

When you have multiple parameters, the test is run for all of their combinations:

def time_ranges(n, func_name):
    f = {'range': range, 'arange': numpy.arange}[func_name]
    for i in f(n):

time_ranges.params = ([10, 1000], ['range', 'arange'])

The test will be run for parameters (10, 'range'), (10, 'arange'), (1000, 'range'), (1000, 'arange').

You can also provide informative names for the parameters:

time_ranges.param_names = ['n', 'function']

These will appear in the test output; if not provided you get default names such as “param1”, “param2”.

Note that setup_cache is not parameterized.

Skipping benchmarks


This section is only applicable from version 0.6.0 on-wards

Conversely, it is possible (typically due to high setup times) that one might want to skip some benchmarks all-together, or just for some sets of parameters. This is accomplished by an attribute skip_params, which can be used with the decorator @skip_for_params as:

from asv_runner.benchmarks.mark import skip_for_params
@skip_for_params([(10, 'arange'), (1000, 'range')])
def time_ranges(n, func_name):
    f = {'range': range, 'arange': np.arange}[func_name]
    for i in f(n):

Benchmarks may aslo be condtionally skipped based on a boolean with @skip_benchmark_if:

from asv_runner.benchmarks.mark import skip_benchmark_if
import datetime

# Skip if not before midday
@skip_benchmark_if(datetime.datetime.now().hour >= 12)
def time_ranges(n, func_name):
    f = {'range': range, 'arange': np.arange}[func_name]
    for i in f(n):

Similarly, for parameters we have @skip_params_if:

from asv_runner.benchmarks.mark import skip_params_if
import datetime

class TimeSuite:
    params = [100, 200, 300, 400, 500]
    param_names = ["size"]

    def setup(self, size):
        self.d = {}
        for x in range(size):
            self.d[x] = None

    # Skip benchmarking when size is either 100 or 200
    # and the current hour is 12 or later.
   @skip_params_if([(100,), (200,)],
                   datetime.datetime.now().hour >= 12)
    def time_dict_update(self, size):
        d = self.d
        for i in range(size):
            d[i] = i


The skips discussed so far, using the decorators will ignore both the benchmark, and the setup function, however, setup_cache will not be affected.

If the onus of preparing the exact parameter sets for skip_for_params is too complicated and the setup function is not too expensive, or if a benchmark needs to be skipped conditionally but skip_*_if are not the right choice, there is also the SkipNotImplemented exception which can be raised anywhere during a benchmark run for it to be marked as skipped (n/a in the output table). This may be used as:

from asv_runner.benchmarks.mark import SkipNotImplemented
class SimpleSlow:
    params = ([False, True])
    param_names = ["ok"]
    def time_failure(self, ok):
        if ok:
            x = 34.2**4.2
            raise SkipNotImplemented(f"{ok} is skipped")

Benchmark types


Timing benchmarks have the prefix time.

How ASV runs benchmarks is as follows (pseudocode for main idea):

for round in range(`rounds`):
   for benchmark in benchmarks:
       with new process:
           <calibrate `number` if not manually set>
           for j in range(`repeat`):
               <setup `benchmark`>
               sample = timing_function(<run benchmark `number` times>) / `number`
               <teardown `benchmark`>

where the actual rounds, repeat, and number are attributes of the benchmark.

The default timing function is timeit.default_timer, which uses the highest resolution clock available on a given platform to measure the elapsed wall time. This has the consequence of being more susceptible to noise from other processes, but the increase in resolution is more significant for shorter duration tests (particularly on Windows).

Process timing is provided by the function time.process_time (POSIX CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME), which measures the CPU time used only by the current process. You can change the timer by setting the benchmark’s timer attribute, for example to time.process_time to measure process time.


One consequence of using time.process_time is that the time spent in child processes of the benchmark is not included. Multithreaded benchmarks also return the total CPU time counting all CPUs. In these cases you may want to measure the wall clock time, by setting the timer = timeit.default_timer benchmark attribute.

For best results, the benchmark function should contain as little as possible, with as much extraneous setup moved to a setup function:

class Suite:
    def setup(self):
        # load data from a file
        with open("/usr/share/words.txt", "r") as fd:
            self.words = fd.readlines()

    def time_upper(self):
        for word in self.words:

How setup and teardown behave for timing benchmarks is similar to the Python timeit module, and the behavior is controlled by the number and repeat attributes.

For the list of benchmark attributes, see Benchmark types and attributes.


Memory benchmarks have the prefix mem.

Memory benchmarks track the size of Python objects. To write a memory benchmark, write a function that returns the object you want to track:

def mem_list():
    return [0] * 256

The asizeof module is used to determine the size of Python objects. Since asizeof includes the memory of all of an object’s dependencies (including the modules in which their classes are defined), a memory benchmark instead calculates the incremental memory of a copy of the object, which in most cases is probably a more useful indicator of how much space each additional object will use. If you need to do something more specific, a generic Tracking (Generic) benchmark can be used instead.

For details, see Benchmark types and attributes.


The memory benchmarking feature is still experimental. asizeof may not be the most appropriate metric to use.


The memory benchmarks are not supported on PyPy.

Peak Memory

Peak memory benchmarks have the prefix peakmem.

Peak memory benchmark tracks the maximum resident size (in bytes) of the process in memory. This does not necessarily count memory paged on-disk, or that used by memory-mapped files. To write a peak memory benchmark, write a function that does the operation whose maximum memory usage you want to track:

def peakmem_list():
    [0] * 165536


The peak memory benchmark also counts memory usage during the setup routine, which may confound the benchmark results. One way to avoid this is to use setup_cache instead.

For details, see Benchmark types and attributes.

Raw timing benchmarks

For some timing benchmarks, for example measuring the time it takes to import a module, it is important that they are run separately in a new Python process.

Measuring execution time for benchmarks run once in a new Python process can be done with timeraw_* timing benchmarks:

def timeraw_import_inspect():
    return """
    import inspect

Note that these benchmark functions should return a string, corresponding to the code that will be run.

Importing a module takes a meaningful amount of time only the first time it is executed, therefore a fresh interpreter is used for each iteration of the benchmark. The string returned by the benchmark function is executed in a subprocess.

Note that the setup and setup_cache are performed in the base benchmark process, so that the setup done by them is not available in the benchmark code. To perform setup also in the benchmark itself, you can return a second string:

def timeraw_import_inspect():
code = “import inspect” setup = “import ast” return code, setup

The raw timing benchmarks have the same parameters as ordinary timing benchmarks, but number is by default 1, and timer is ignored.


Timing standard library modules is possible as long as they are not built-in or brought in by importing the timeit module (which further imports gc, sys, time, and itertools).


You can use raw timing benchmarks to measure import times.

Tracking (Generic)

It is also possible to use asv to track any arbitrary numerical value. “Tracking” benchmarks can be used for this purpose and use the prefix track. These functions simply need to return a numeric value. For example, to track the number of objects known to the garbage collector at a given state:

import gc

def track_num_objects():
    return len(gc.get_objects())
track_num_objects.unit = "objects"

For details, see Benchmark types and attributes.

Benchmark versioning

When you edit benchmark’s code in the benchmark suite, this often changes what is measured, and previously measured results should be discarded.

Airspeed Velocity records with each benchmark measurement a “version number” for the benchmark. By default, it is computed by hashing the benchmark source code text, including any setup and setup_cache routines. If there are changes in the source code of the benchmark in the benchmark suite, the version number changes, and asv will ignore results whose version number is different from the current one.

It is also possible to control the versioning of benchmark results manually, by setting the .version attribute for the benchmark. The version number, i.e. content of the attribute, can be any Python string. asv only checks whether the version recorded with a measurement matches the current version, so you can use any versioning scheme.

See Benchmark types and attributes for reference documentation.